Paul Thomassin

Paul Thomassin

Received my B.Sc. (AGR) degree from McGill University and my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural & Natural Resource Economics from the University of Hawaii. I am an Associate Professor at the Agricultural Economics Program, McGill University. I have been a Visiting Professor at the William S. Richardson, School of Law, at the University of Hawaii, Visiting Fellow at the National Centre for Development Studies at the Australian National University, and Honorary Professor in the Division of Science and Technology at the University of Auckland.

My research program has four components:

– Measuring the economic and environmental interactions between agriculture and the environment;

– Measuring the macroeconomic and environmental impacts of trade;

– Analysis of food and agricultural policies and institutional design;

– Convergence of health and economics.


Role in Syst-OMICS

With Yann Joly, I’m codirecting Activity 5 which aims to Identify and address the ethical, legal and economic concerns that may arise from a shift to a risk-based food safety approach to regulate Salmonella, based on the pathogenicity of individual bacterial isolates. My team is directly involved in assessing the economic factors that may influence the adoption of this new approach, particularly to:

  • Assess the requirements for a risk-based approach to food safety in Canada;
    • Assess international trade impacts;
    • Evaluate the economic impacts of using a novel genomic test for Salmonella as compared to existing technology (costs & benefits, direct and indirect impacts);
    • Evaluate the public health costs and benefits of the new technology;
    • Evaluate the labour productivity impacts of increased food safety.
  • Validate and disseminate GE3LS research results.