I trained in Food Microbiology (MSc) at University of Georgia and in Food science (PhD) at University of California, Davis. I did postdoctoral training in Food Safety and Microbiology at University of California, Davis. I’m now an associate professor in Food Science at University of Florida.
My research focuses on microbial food safety and quality, emphasizing the microbiology of fruit juices, fresh fruits, vegetables and tree nuts. Extension Specialist for citrus processing issues – work with processors and packers to enhance quality, safety and value of processed citrus products.
Role in Syst-OMICS
I am involved in Activity 2.3- In vitro evaluation of Salmonella inhibition by bacteriophages and in 2.4- In planta evaluation of Salmonella inhibition by bacteriophages. My main contribution will be to verified the suitability of different bacteriophage formulations and optimum timing of applications in our Biosafety Level 3 greenhouse.