Maria Brandl

Maria Brandl

Research Microbiologist,

Produce Safety and Microbiology Research

USDA, Agricultural Research Service


Ecology and Detection of Human Pathogens in the Produce Production Continuum:

1: Elucidate biological factors and molecular mechanisms that enhance or reduce fitness characteristics related to survival and growth of enteric pathogens in the produce production continuum

2: Identify environmental factors that affect the persistence and transmission of enteric pathogens in the produce production environment for risk assessment.

3: Develop methods for the detection and subtyping of enteric bacterial and viral pathogens from produce production environments; to aid epidemiological investigations and to distinguish pathogenic from non-pathogenic strains.


Identification of Salmonella Enterica Plant Colonization Fitness Traits Using Mutant Libraries and Barcode-Based Sequencing:

1. Identify genetic determinants involved in the apoplastic and epiphytic colonization of produce by Salmonella enterica and the role of plant systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in S. enterica persistence on produce.

2. Characterize the function of S. enterica plant colonization genes identified with mutant library screens and barcoded sequencing

3. Use single deletion mutants of S. enterica to further characterize the interaction of the human pathogen with the plant basal plant defense system.