With training in veterinary pathology, microbiology and immunology at the University of Saskatchewan (PhD), I’m currently a research scientist at the Ottawa Laboratory (Fallowfield), Canadian Food Inspection Agency. My current research work is mainly focused on the development and improvement of methods for the detection, identification and characterization of foodborne bacterial pathogens including Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, Listeria and Salmonella, using cultural, immunological, molecular and genomics tools. I have a few scientific publications related to the pathogenesis and diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals, and the detection of pathogens in food and environment. I’m also serving as an honorary reviewer for several journals including Canadian Journal of Microbiology, Journal of Blood Disorders and Transfusion and Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher), and serving as editorial board member for a couple of scientific journals.
Role in Syst-OMICS
I’m involved in Activity 3.2 which aims to adapt WGS data to improve the specificity of existing commercially available RT-PCR assays for detection of foodborne Salmonella. I’m also involved in Activity 3.3 which aims to develop a new sequence-based assay for faster confirmatory testing and assessing the pathogenic potential of Salmonella isolates.