I am a veterinarian and a Professor in the McGill Departments of Medicine and Human Genetics and a primary member of McGill University Research Centre on Complex Traits (MRCCT). I am also a member of the Program in Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health (IDIGH) at the McGill University Health Centre.
Over the last decade, I have been focusing my work on identification and functional characterization of genes involved in the host immune response to pathogenic Salmonella using mouse models of the disease and forward functional genetics.
Role in Syst-OMICS
With my colleague Samantha Gruenheid, my laboratory is in charge of Activity 1.5 which aims to define virulence of prioritized Salmonella strains in vivo by testing them in mouse disease models (as a complement to the in vitro and in cellulo models done in Act. 1.4).